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Welcome to CPTP!

Hi there!

My name is Keri and I finally took the plunge of starting my own blog. I know the name of the site sounds kind of silly or pretentious.. but let me explain.

I am a mom, wife, and student. I have a lot of things to juggle (as do you, I’m sure). This blog is going to be me putting it all together. I want to be a put together parent. I don’t want to be perfect, I don’t want to be better than anyone else.. I just want to continually better myself and my family. This is where I will write it all down, share it with you and hopefully it will be helpful or inspiring.

I fully expect parenting flops and triumphs, college do’s and don’ts, organization failures and successes, as well as lots of laughs in between.

What you can expect to see on this blog:

  • planner printables
  • printables (organization, family, kids, college, school)
  • college tips, tricks, etc.
  • activities to do with your kids
  • the occasional foodie post
  • and just about anything in between

So, after all that let me introduce myself properly. I am Keri and like I said I am a mom. I have two young daughters, Emma Kate and Laurel. They are silly, beautiful, and much loved. We love to sing, dance, craft, and chase each other around the house.

I am a college student at a pretty big university. I am studying Psychology and have about FOUR semesters left (thank goodness) until I graduate with my bachelors degree. I have changed degree paths many times and I am hoping this one sticks.

And finally, I am a wife. We are your normal, every day couple… my other half just happens to be a woman as well.

I tend to have many passions at once.. I am what you would call a jack of all trades. I enjoy crocheting, embroidery, sewing (though I am TERRIBLE at it), crafting with vinyl and paper, I love to “screen print” clothes, and all around just crafting.

I love to travel and it doesn’t even matter where we go; beach, mountains, island, city, country.. it doesn’t matter, I just love getting out of town.

I am trying to get fit and healthier but I hate working out and junk food is my kryptonite. So, that transition should be hilarious to follow. Living in the south makes it hard too. Have you ever been to a southern person’s home? All they do is try to feed you!

In my down time I like to read and write. I like to watch Netflix and have the occasional glass of wine.

So thats pretty much it about me. Now that this obligatory post is done we can move forward with what you really want!



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